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Is Stem Cell Regrowth the Next Big Thing in Dentistry?

Is Stem Cell Regrowth the Next Big Thing in Dentistry?

We’re seeing stem cell research becoming more prominent by the day. Stem cells are the building block of our anatomy that are without assignment to a task. With stem cells, researchers believe they can regrow a tooth in a matter of weeks, without the need for an implant or crown! There’s lots of support and demand for this new solution, but is it really the best thing you can do for a damaged or missing tooth? After all, there’s little evidence to back up the success of such a procedure, not to mention other doubtful factors that come to mind. Today we want to go deeper into the whole idea of stem cell regrowth and see if it’s worth waiting for this solution to ever come around. Here’s the lowdown on stem cell research in dentistry.

The Research Behind Stem Cell Dentistry

For the past decade, scientists have been working with rats in environment-controlled laboratories to deduct if we indeed can use stem cells to regrow teeth. A team led by Dr. Jeremy Mao at Columbia University have so far created a scaffold used as a template for growing a new tooth.

Dr. Mao has this to say about his research so far on stem cell dentistry:

“The missing tooth is replaced with stem cells from your body, and the tooth starts merging to the surrounding tissue on its own. This boosts the regeneration process and results in regrowth of the tooth in a record time.”

Rather than having to go through a lengthy process of tooth extraction and a dental implant procedure (which takes up to 6 months to complete), stem cell dentistry enables you to regrow your teeth quickly and naturally. The whole idea is very sound, great for people who’ve lost their tooth through an accident or natural means, but this is very much still in its research stage.

Right now, the team at Columbia University can make this all happen in a lab environment…using a custom engineered mold. The tricky part the team faces is the implantation process. See, a tooth properly grows in the jawbone cavity, with the surrounding environment (the gums and other teeth) influencing the shape and growth of the tooth. Essentially, to regrow a tooth, you’d have to have an entire scaffold set up inside your mouth around the tooth socket, extending down into the jawbone. Before they can continue researching, they must find an easier and less complex way to complete this procedure.

Take a look at the video above. Columbia News uploaded this in 2011, when stem cell dentistry first saw a peak in interest. What have we seen since then? Nothing but promise and reassurance that the solution will one day be widely available. Some articles even claim that with stem cells, you can regrow your teeth in as little as 9 weeks. That’s a bold statement, but there’s nothing to reinforce that claim. Others are saying that the procedure is successful with rats, but that gives us little to hang onto until we see it work with actual test patients. Also, what’s to say that stem cell dentistry will be more affordable than the alternative, dental implants?

Dental Implants Prove to be the #1 Solution Available

Second guessing the idea of regrowing new teeth with stem cell dentistry? Dental implants took the reigns over from dentures at the turn of the century and haven’t let go since. Dental implants are perfect for those missing teeth, even for those who are edentulous.

It comes as a shock for most people when they learn dental implants are known for their comfortability and naturalness. They look and feel exactly like a natural tooth. They make eating and chewing a lot easier than dentures, suggesting you can eat whatever foods you love and crave. Plus, they require the same care you’d give your natural teeth – brushing, flossing and good dietary selection.

Not even cost is a problem with dental implants these days. By looking in the right places, you can easily find dental implants as *. The only downside of getting a dental implant is that it’s a patience game. In some cases, you can get dental implants loaded the same day as your consultation, but you’re still held to a healing period between four and six months before having a crown placed on top of the dental implant.

However, dental implants have proven themselves. It may have taken 50 years for dental implants to finally get the recognition they deserve, but it sure has paid off. This year alone, over 2 million Americans will find themselves getting one or more dental implants. That shows how reliable dental implants have become. How many are looking at getting stem cell dentistry this year? Zero.

Finding Your Solution at the Right Place

Our focus at One Stop Implants is dental implants, which allows us to really help our patients with their missing teeth woes through advanced care and technique. We provide every patient of ours new, affordable, high quality dental implants that’ll lift their smile and have them leaving our practice with a smile on their face. We keep you informed about your health, educate you on dental implants and answer any questions you may have concerning any other dental work. If dental implants are what you’re looking for, set up your Free Consultation with our staff using our online contact form!

Who knows, maybe one day we’ll offer stem cell dentistry at our office. However, don’t hold our word to that, just like you wouldn’t for stem cell regrowth to be the next big thing in dentistry.

For more information, feel free to contact our office over the phone at (800) 862-2249, connect with us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!

*Shown price is for a single back tooth dental implant at One Stop Implants. Front tooth dental implants are $2,300. View our dental implant costs page for more information.

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