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What’s the Impact of Your Diet on Your Teeth?

What's the Impact of Your Diet on Your Teeth?

Not a day goes by you don’t look at your teeth. They’re in the mirror every time you brush your teeth, every time you take a selfie, every time you’re getting ready to go out. You, and everyone else sees your teeth all the time so why not take care of them?

The health of your teeth depends largely on how well you take care of them. There’s a checklist for that. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily and visit your dentist on a biannual basis. All of that is easy to do, especially when you make it a habit. However, having a healthy diet is just as important as everything above.

We want to show you how your diet affects your teeth. Check out these 3 things everyone must know to have healthy teeth starting today.

Your Teeth Aren’t a Fan of All the Soda You’re Drinking

No one can say soda isn’t harming their teeth. That simple isn’t true, there are videos on the web that depict what happens to a tooth when it sits in a glass of soda all day. To no one’s surprise it decays! However, these videos are exactly reliable, as we don’t hold soda in our mouth all day, and saliva does a good job at washing away sugar and neutralizing the acidity level in our mouth.

Nevertheless, you cannot ignore the simple facts about soda and effects on your teeth.

Sugar is the biggest problem soda has to offer. The high concentration of sugar in every can is perfect grounds for bacteria in your mouth to feed off from. It’s not the sugar though that causes tooth decay. It’s the acid bacteria excretes after breaking down sugar that eats away at the enamel protecting your teeth.

But what about diet or zero-sugar sodas? They sound better than normal soda on paper, but that doesn’t mean they are. While they may not have sugar, they still contain loads of phosphoric or citric acid, substitutes for sugar to provide flavor. Acid is acid, there’s no avoiding it when you drink soda.

Worse yet, soda can stain your teeth. All of that artificial coloring to make your favorite soda look amazing will transform any white smile into a dull, yellow one.

Curbing your soda addiction can be tough, but there are ways to ease up on it and somewhat help out your teeth. Try sparkling water or just plain water mixed with fresh fruit! If you’re an avid soda drinker, start by reducing your consumption to a can a day, and eventually work your way down to one every once in a while. It may seem healthier to just turn your back on soda completely, but your body used to a high sugar intake and will constantly crash if you don’t feed into your sugar cravings.

Watch What Foods You’re Eating

It’s easy to forget why there are balanced meals in the first place. Chances are there’s been a time where you’ve gone through an entire bag of chips and notice you have sensitive teeth later on in the day. Want to know why? That bag of chips is pure starch, which you break down inside your mouth. Residing bacteria do the rest of the work. Crazy how our body works like that right?

There’s plenty of foods you wouldn’t expect to be bad for you, including grains, citrus fruits and dry fruits. These, along with your usual candies and caramels are your teeth’s biggest enemies.

We’re not saying they are bad for you. Minus dry fruits and candies, they are still essential to a well-balanced diet and overall health. Brushing your teeth and flossing do wonders by protecting your teeth day in and day out from the harsh effects of bacteria breaking down what you eat into acid. It also helps to rinse your mouth after meals with water to clear out large pieces of food that are stuck in between your teeth.

Are You a Vegan? Check this Out

There’s nothing wrong with being a vegan, unless you really care about your teeth. A plant-based diet absolutely wrecks your teeth, and its all unintentional! There’s so many things missing out of your diet when you go vegan – Vitamin B12, essential amino acids and calcium – that makes it hard for your teeth to stay healthy. Vitamin B12 is important to prevent gum disease and eventual tooth loss. Amino acids are vital in your fight against cavities and periodontitis. Calcium is forever important as it’s a building block that strengthens your bones, including your teeth.

Fortunately, supplements do exist. They may not be the real thing, but supplements at least provide the essential nutrients you need to prevent tooth decay or worse…tooth loss. Calcium supplements are important because they help remineralize the acid-ridden enamel protecting your teeth.

However, you cannot solve all your vegan problems with just supplements. Studies show that vegans typically snack frequently to keep up with their body’s need for energy. This provides an environment inside your mouth for bacteria to thrive and multiply exponentially, causing problems for your teeth down the road. Typically, vegans also eat foods with more sugar/starch to satisfy their hunger for longer periods, both which bacteria thrive on.

If you’re a vegan and want to protect your teeth, let us help. At One Stop Implants & Dental we’ll provide direction on what foods you should include in your diet as well as recommend supplements that’ll benefit your oral health.

One Stop Implants is Your Only Stop for More Information

You’ve no reason not to take care of your teeth. Using what you now know about how your diet affects your teeth, you can make better eating choices and soon have stronger, healthier teeth.

For more information, contact us online or call us at (800) 862-2249. If you liked this article, be sure to share it through social media!

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Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 863-8888

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Van Nuys, CA 91401
(818) 786-6000

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